Every Appearance Of Gaggy, As Seen In Batman: The Three Jokers (2024)

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Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: Batman, dc comics, gaggy, geoff johns, hjason fabok, joker, three jokers


by Rich Johnston



Gaggy, or Gagsworth A. Gagsworthy, was Joker's original sidekick. His appearance in Three Jokers #1 – and presumably his final appearance too – saw a few people asking me what tghe hell all that was about. Well no, Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok didn't just invent him for the series, he goes back to the sixties – however if you wanted to collect all his appearances to date, it wouldn't be hard.

In Batman #186 in 1966 by Gardener Fox and Sheldon Moldoff, at a time when the comic book reflected the Batman TV show, The Joker gathered a group of criminals and his very own sidekick, a diminutive clown named Gaggy who Joker sees as his own Robin, to commit a series of heists stealing an original or first edition items of antiquated or historical value.

Gaggy tried to unmask Robin and fails, eventually jailed with the Joker.

And that was that for over forty years.

In Batman #682 in 2009, as part of a Final Crisis tie-in, there's a one panel shot.

Gaggy then makes a cameo appearance a few issues later, believing Batman is dead.

Gotham City Sirens, at the end of 2009, gave him his only multi-part story. In Gotham City Sirens #4, Gaggy is in disguise as The Joker, as the Joker attempts to deal with Harley Quinn's new relationship with Bruce Wayne.

Revealed as Gaggy in #5, we get a flashback in #6 with Gaggy and Joker together.

As well as a new origin for Gaggy, now a member of the circus before joining the Joker in a life of crime. Gaggy was a tightrope walker until The Flying Graysons replaced them.

Gaggy was made a clown, where his anger caught the attention of the Joker.

And a big flashback of their time together. This issue is the bigger story Gaggy ever gets.

And he survived to return another day – but never did. Until now.

There was one other semi-appearance in the 2013 Batman #23.1, a Joker special, where Gaggy is revealed as the name of his childhood doll. Does that count?

But now we have Three Jokers #1 from Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok.

Which means if you want a full Gaggy collection, you only need eight comic books. Three if you want him actually appearing as Gaggy on-panel for any length of time.

  1. Batman #186, Batman #682, Batman #686
  2. Gotham City Sirens #4, Gotham City Sirens #5, Gotham City Sirens #6 (2009-2010)
  3. Batman #23.1 (2013)
  4. Batman: Three Jokers #1

Because with Three Jokers – that will be the end of that.

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Every Appearance Of Gaggy, As Seen In Batman: The Three Jokers (20)

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Every Appearance Of Gaggy, As Seen In Batman: The Three Jokers (21)About Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.

Every Appearance Of Gaggy, As Seen In Batman: The Three Jokers (22)Every Appearance Of Gaggy, As Seen In Batman: The Three Jokers (23)Every Appearance Of Gaggy, As Seen In Batman: The Three Jokers (24)

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Every Appearance Of Gaggy, As Seen In Batman: The Three Jokers (2024)
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