Looking for Honest Filthy Rich Writer Reviews? ✍️ (2024)

If you were hoping to find one of the most unbiased Filthy Rich Writer reviews out there, you have succeeded.

Filthy Rich Writer is an online learning platform aimed at helping aspiring copywriters – like yourself – develop and succeed at their craft. As the name implies, the Filthy Rich Writer is not for the hobby writer, but addresses the needs of the writer wanting to take both their skill set and their income to the next level.

In this review of the Filthy Rich Writer platform and not least of its primary offering, the Filthy Rich Writer’s copywriting course, called the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy (CCA for short), we’ll be taking a detailed look at what good taking a copywriting course like the one offered by Filthy Rich Writer can do for your writing career. We’ll also be going over all of the tools and features you can expect to find inside the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy once you have signed up. We’ll weigh the pros and the cons of taking the course up against each other, and talk about the pricing and subscription options.

Before you’ve made it to the end of this Filthy Rich Writer review, it’ll be clear to you that the CCA is one of the most comprehensive and thorough-going online copywriting courses out there. Its scope is much broader than merely the craft of writing good copy – although that is at the centre of what the Filthy Rich Writer course teaches. The CCA teaches students the basics of solid content writing, but also walks them through how to build a copywriting portfolio, how to price and pitch copywriting services to clients, and so much more.

If all of this sounds good, then keep reading.

How the Filthy Rich Writer course can help skyrocket your writing business

The Filthy Rich Writer philosophy is that – contrary to what you might have been told – it is possible to make a great living as a writer.

The team behind Filthy Rich Writer aims to make this promise come true for you by providing you with the exact steps, training and support you need to build your own fulfilling and lucrative career as a professional copywriter.

You can find a great number of copywriting resources, right there on the Filthy Rich Writer website, but if you want to dive deeper and access the full range of knowledge and tools that are available through Filthy Rich Writer, you will have to sign up for the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy.

The Comprehensive Copywriting Academy is all about teaching you how to become the very best and the most successful copywriter that you can be. To serve this aim, the Copywriting Academy has been developed as a no-gimmick, no-fluff copywriting course that teaches you everything you need to know and gives you all of the fundamental building blocks that will allow you to build your own lucrative copywriting career.

In copywriting, there are no rules, so whether you intend to become a full-time copywriter or are merely looking to generate a bit of additional income is entirely up to you.

One of the truly wonderful things about being a copywriter is that it gives you a lot of flexibility in your work – as much flexibility as you would like, in fact. While there is no shortage of full-time, in-house copywriting positions out there – and never enough competent copywriters to fill them – there are also plenty of opportunities to find copywriting work as a freelancer.

Whatever your aim, CCA promises to get you there.

Who the Filthy Rich Writer’s course is for

The Filthy Rich Writer’s course is primarily suited for you if you are at the beginning of your copywriting journey and are looking to accelerate your brand new copywriting venture.

While the Filthy Rich Writer’s course has its primary focus on basic copywriting training, it also goes much beyond it by aiming to fill the toolboxes of aspiring copywriters with everything they need to be able to build their copywriting portfolios and actually land ad agency work or freelance copywriting work. The course is also great for you if you are hoping to become a truly inspirational blogger with the ability to generate your own blog income through banner ads or affiliate marketing income.

No pre-existing online copywriting experience is required for you to be able to join and get a tremendous amount of value out of Filthy Rich Writer’s online copywriting resources, including the CCA.

Meet Nicki Krawczyk, the six-figure writer behind Filthy Rich Writer

Nicki Krawczyk is the highly experienced, six-figure copywriter behind both the Filthy Rich Writer and the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy. She’s been working as a copywriter in the trenches for over a decade and a half, and some of her big name clients include Tripadvisor, Marshalls, Hasbro, Keurig and Adidas.

After more than a decade in the business, Nicki had become so successful herself that she decided to start sharing her knowledge. Filthy Rich Writer initially started out as a blog, but received so much constructive feedback that it grew and grew until it became one of the best copywriting courses for beginner copywriters out there.

All in all, it is fair to say that Nicki Krawczyk knows what it takes to be a successful copywriter in a constantly changing industry, and inside the Filthy Rich Writer copywriting course she shares all of her hard-earned knowledge and insights, in an easy to follow and easily digestible format.

What to expect inside the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy

Now that you know a little about the founder and the background behind Filthy Rich Writer and the CCA, it is time for us to take a good look at what you can expect to find once you have signed up for the Filthy Rich writer course. Here, let us go through the highlights of joining the CCA one by one.

Full access to the Comprehensive Copywriting Foundations Course

One of the main selling points of the Filthy Rich Writer’s online copywriting course is how comprehensive the training is. On that note, one of the most important things you get access to inside the Academy is the Foundations Course, which covers everything from the basics of writing copy that is both clean and compelling, to business client pitching.

  • Module 1: Copywriting Fundamentals
  • Module 2: Copywriting Tactics
  • Module 3: Project Lifecycle
  • Module 4: Interactive/Digital Copywriting
  • Module 5: Print Copywriting
  • Module 6: Building your Business

All the modules have specially formulated action sheets designed to help you practice your freshly acquired writing skills as well as to keep you on-track and motivated as you take your first real steps into the world of copywriting.

While the Foundations Course doesn’t hold any secrets that aren’t well known to experienced copywriters everywhere, working through the modules as a beginner is likely to dramatically shorten the time learning copywriting skills usually takes when you have to figuring everything out yourself from scratch.

It is also good to know that the Foundations Course is self-paced, meaning you can fit it in around your other commitments.

Live monthly coaching calls

Online copywriting courses often lack a sense of connection and community, not to mention the ability of students to be able to ask questions and receive direct feedback in a live setting, but the Filthy Rich Writer’s CCA has got that covered in the form of live calls.

As a beginner copywriter, being able to interact and receive live feedback is invaluable – and the live monthly coaching calls are as close as you might get to having your very own, highly experienced copywriting coach and mentor.

On the monthly group coaching sessions, you are going to receive feedback on your copy and on your website. You’ll also be able to ask any questions you might have about the course material or about what your next step on the path to a lucrative copywriting career should be. On the calls, you can ask for guidance on absolutely anything related to growing your copywriting business, from how to optimize your LinkedIn profile to how to price your price your services appropriately as a freelance writer.

In case you are unable to tune in to any of the monthly calls, they’ll be posted later so even those who miss out on the live experience have the opportunity to watch and learn from them.

Access to the students-only Facebook group

If the community aspect of learning is important to you, then you’re going to love the Filthy Rich Writer’s thriving Facebook community where students connect and share their ups and downs on the path to building their copywriting businesses.

The Facebook group also means that if you get stuck, you can always turn to the group for answers and encouragement. And not only will you find that the CCA students are a very active bunch on Facebook – the coaches are too.

As a result, the sense of ongoing support you get as a member of the CCA is as comprehensive as the copywriting training itself.

Lifetime access to the Academy

The Filthy Rich Writer is all about over-delivering on students’ expectations, and providing lifetime access to the Academy when you pay your one-off enrolment fee.

What this means practically is that you can take your time going over the learning materials, and that you can return to the Facebook group, as well as join the monthly coaching calls, for as long as you would like to.

30-day money back guarantee

If you join the CCA but find that it doesn’t provide you with the value that you were hoping for, for whatever reason, you will be able to get your money back within 30 days of signing up.

Value-packed surprise bonuses

In addition to all of the promised content, you’ll discover a number of bonus courses and resources inside the CCA, for even more added value.

Filthy Rich Writer pricing and subscription options

The Filthy Rich Writer’s CCA comes at a few different price points and payment options – for full details on how much a membership would cost you, you’ll have to reach out to the team at Filthy Rich Writer for a custom quote.

In most cases, you can expect to be able to get access for $700 or less. Of course, if you are just starting out in your copywriting career, $700 might seem like quite an investment, but keep in mind that it is a one-off fee, and that you’ll have lifetime access to all of the resources inside of the CCA, as well as to the private Facebook group and to the monthly coaching calls. When you look at it that way, $700 suddenly doesn’t look so steep anymore.

What’s more, CCA offers a 30-day money back guarantee, in case you find that the course isn’t for you after having a taste of it.

Filthy Rich Writer pros

One of the very best things about the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy is that it is so, well, comprehensive.

Just like it says on the tin, the Academy provides you with everything you need to start building your profitable side hustle or career as a copywriter with all of the skills and the panache required by the industry.

The community and ongoing support are another big plus – rather than simply giving you access to the learning materials and leaving you to fend for yourself, the team behind CCA provides you with a solid framework and ongoing mentoring, particularly via the Facebook group and live training calls.

he fact that you only have to pay your way into The CCA once is another huge bonus. There is no monthly subscription (Something that might inspire some to rush and absorb as much as they possibly can without enough time to really take the steps one at a time), so once you’re in, you’re in for good.

Filthy Rich Writer cons

Despite having much to offer, the Comprehensive Copywriting Course is not without its downsides.

The first and primary one I am going to point out is the fact that there is no transparent pricing model. Rather than being able to see the price tag upfront and making your decision, you will have to get in touch with the Filthy Rich Writer team and request a quote.

Another con, or at least something to be aware of, is the fact that, despite the catchy Filthy Rich Writer name, copywriting isn’t a get rich quick scheme. For many, it isn’t even a get rich slowly scheme. While there are plenty of fantastic income opportunities out there for competent copywriters, becoming a rich copywriter isn’t what most people can expect getting into copywriting as a career.

Filthy Rich Writer Q & A

Even though we have taken a thorough look at what the Filthy Writer’s online writing course is and does, you might still be left with some unanswered questions. If this is the case, then you might find them answered here.

Is Filthy Rich Writer legit?

The Filthy Rich Writer website and its main offering, its online writing course, are 100% legitimate.

What is the Filthy Rich Writer copywriting course?

The Filthy Rich Writer resources, including the Copywriting Academy, were created by a bona fide six-figure copywriter and online entrepreneur, Nicki Krawczyk, with the aim of helping hopeful and aspiring copywriters get started in their careers.

While there are no shortcuts to becoming a truly competent copywriter, signing up for the Filthy Rich Writer’s copywriting course can certainly help you speed up your learning curve by laying out the process of building your copywriting business step by step.

The Filthy Rich Writer’s Comprehensive Copywriting Academy covers all of the basics of how to write copy that glows, but it also teaches you about the business of copywriting, from how to price your services appropriately as a freelance copywriter to how to build up your portfolio and pitch your services to high-paying clients. In other words, the Filthy Rich Writer’s CCA gives you a very well-rounded education in how to break into the copywriting industry and make your mark.

Is copywriting still in demand in 2020?

Copywriting is very much still in demand in 2020 – and copywriters are only going to become even more in demand as we enter 2021 and beyond.

Most industries now rely on their online presence to drive sales and generate revenue, and the way to capture the attention of prospective customers in a digital space saturated with content is by having the best content. That is to say, the best images, video, audio and copy.

Copy is what makes or breaks a sales letter, a landing page or a product description – so it is easy to see how the quality of the copy can make the difference between selling and staying in business, or going bust.

In short, copywriting is a solid skill that anyone willing to put in the time and effort to learn it will be able to capitalize on for years and decades to come.

How much can copywriters make?

Copywriting is a career field with a lot of flexibility built right into it. A lot of copywriters are freelancers, for one, and there is neither a minimum nor maximum hourly, monthly or annual income that a copywriter is able to make.

When you are first starting out as a copywriter, you can’t expect to be paid very much -starting salaries for company employed junior copywriters tend to range between£20,000 and £25,000 per year. Copywriters with a few years of experience under their belts typically earn in the ballpark of £25,000 to £50,000 per year. Senior creatives with 10 ore more years of experience in copywriting have the potential to earn up to around £90,000 per year.

Truly, though, there is no limit to how much a hyper-skilled copywriter can make. After all, everything in today’s world – every business, every message, every piece of communication that someone wants to put across – relies on copywriting.

Are copywriting courses worth it?

Not all copywriting courses are created equal, and so it is up to you to do your due diligence when you are considering signing up for a copywriting course or other resource online. The best way to do your research is to read blog posts and reviews (like this one) to find out what others have to say about the particular course in question.

Which copywriting course is going to be the best fit for you – in other words, whether a particular copywriting course is worth it for you – is highly dependent on your pre-existing knowledge and experience. The same course or other resources that would provide a copywriting beginner with tremendous value might seem basic to someone who already has a good deal of writing experience under their belt. Another way of putting it is that you should make sure that both the quality of the course, as well as the writer level it is aimed at, are a good fit for where you are at on your own writing journey.

Filthy Rich Writer – the best online copywriting course there is?

With the Filthy Rich online copywriting course, your career as a professional freelance copywriter is brought within reach.

The course is designed to give aspiring writers the tools and knowledge they need, and unlike most other online copywriting courses, the Filthy Rich Writer focuses on both theory and practice.

The Filthy Rich Writer is a not a get rich quick scheme, so if you treat it like one, you are going to be disappointed. To succeed at implementing what you learn in the Filthy Rich Writer course, you are going to have to put in the hours and the effort, and to get some real copywriting practice under your belt.

Even armed with the information and knowledge you’ll find inside the Comprehensive Copywriting Course, building your own freelance copywriter business where you are working with small business clients or getting in-house agency work, it is going to be a process. What’s so brilliant about the Copywriting Academy is simply that it helps you get there quicker by walking you through exactly what steps to take as you build your online portfolio and lay the initial groundwork for your writing venture taking off and becoming a lucrative career.

Looking for Honest Filthy Rich Writer Reviews? ✍️ (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.